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Foam Padding For Playground | School Playground Equipment

Why Do Kids Cringe Away From Their Parents Sometimes?

June 15 2015 , Written by Emma Johnsons Published on #Commercial Playground Equipment

Kids Cringe Away From Their Parents

Kids Cringe Away From Their Parents

Usually, parents are way too busy to notice any modifications in their child’s behavior, but at times when they do notice, it is not uncommon for them to notice a slight hatred in the child’s eyes. Why do children seem to hate their parents? There could be millions of reasons for that, unfortunately, we will only be able to shed a light on the few of them. Scroll down to read more.

Children are very sensitive creatures; a cold stare can hurt their little souls to the core, beyond repair. Parents are usually unaware of the little things that might leave a long lasting impact on their child. Simple, everyday things can influence kids in so many ways that you cannot even imagine. So what can you, as a parent, do to avoid losing your love in your child’s eye. It’s not that simple, but possible.

Here is a well sorted list of things that you should look out for while around children:

Never Ignore your Child

Never Ignore your Child

1. Never Ignore your Child:

You might be busy answering a very important email on your smart phone, but your child doesn’t care about that when he asked your opinion on his drawings. He deeply cares about your opinion and wants you to take him seriously. Simply saying “that’s wonderful, Jack” will not be OK. Your child knows when you are paying attention, and when you are simply dismissing him with a general comment. Therefore, never ignore your child, as it may lead to detestation.

Never Scold Children in Public

Never Scold Children in Public

2. Never Scold Children in Public:

There are a million ways to tell a kid how to refrain from a certain action. Yelling at the top of your lungs is not always the solution. As parents, we all can be sometimes a control freak. Try not to unleash your temper in the public, as it can deeply humiliate your kids and, hence, cause the immense hatred towards yourself. If you feel like your child is out of control near the outdoor playground equipment or in the play area, gently speak to him and let him know that this is not a good time for such a behavior. Children listen if you try with a polite smile.

Never Lie to Your Child

Never Lie to Your Child

3. Never Lie to Your Child:

This is probably the first rule in the book of parenting: never ever lie to your child. Sooner or later your child will discover the reality of a certain situation and believe me, you will not like what will follow. Children are straightforward creatures, do not corrupt them with lying. Set a good example and keep things straight with them, even if that causes you embarrassment.

Now to answer the big question: Why children cringe away from their parents sometimes? As mentioned above, children are sensitive, your negligence can do tremendous behavior damage that can later come out as revulsion. Research shows that children always retain negative memories as opposed to the positive memories; they will forget how you worked your ass off every day to provide for them, but they will remember how you have not paid attention to their incredible mastery of the commercial playground equipment and similar challenging acts.

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